The Week That Was

New music from The Arcade Fire is making us ALL happy. So is the xanax.

Friday: Well, aren’t I just out of the loop? Or maybe it’s just that bands aren’t creative enough with their names. Yeah, that’s it! It’s their fault! Allow me to explain. Here’s the short version: jj has canceled their appearance at the Pitchfork Music Festival, and they’ve been replaced by Sonny & the Sunsets (precious!).  

Long version: I feel like there can only be one band existing at a time that uses two lower-case letters as a name. For me, that band is The xx. In fact, I’m so convinced that only one lower-case lettered band exists that for about three minutes after glancing at the cancellation news, I thought “whoa! The xx was going to be at the festival! OH MAN! Wait, now they’re not going to be there? OH NO!” Then I looked at it again and saw that all of that turmoil was for nothing. The moral of this story? Use some damn capital letters in your band name. And put “The” in bold letters or something like that. 

Saturday: I bet music news is happening all over the world right now. I DON’T CARE. And neither will you after listening to Sleigh Bells “Crown on the Ground” enough times. I really do feel like Brooklyn dance duos are a dime a dozen (whereas that kind of alliteration is priceless), but I’m particularly in love with this pair. I’ve officially misplaced my ass thanks to shakin’ it so much.  

Sunday: Ugh. I somehow managed to avoid the barrage of Shrek: The Final Chapter ads until about two weeks ago. While I will support any and every professional and personal choice that Jon Hamm makes, his decision to do this “film” was especially hard for me to accept. As is often the case, America does not share my opinion on this matter, and decided to help this movie make $70.8 million.  

Monday: So much stuff going on today. LIST TIME, KIDDOS. 

If you’re going to Bonnaroo, hopefully you’ve got your shit together and weren’t waiting for me to post a link to the schedule. But for those who are still scrambling, thank heavens that I’m here to help y’all out. 

Drake is a good rapper and all, but like many people (I hope), whenever I hear him rap I can’t help but be like “Holy fuck! The kid from Degrassi: The Next Generation is a rapper! Look at that!” Anyway, Jay-Z and Lil’ Wayne are set to guest on his LP Thank Me Later. Impressive, no?  

Whoooo damn! Sorry. That’s what I sound like I hear news about fun mixtapes. And it doesn’t get more fun than La Roux and Major Lazer joining forces now, does it? They’ll be releasing Lazerproof (for free, of course) on May 26. That’s two days from now, guys. Get your dancing pants on.  

Tuesday: Boo! More cancellations! As a result of the emergency back surgery Bono had to have, U2 cancelled their scheduled appearance at Glastonbury and have to reschedule a bunch of North American dates—16, to be exact. But remember—a healthy Bono is better than a broken Bono. 

Also, Mastadon has canceled their plans to tour this summer in Europe. Bill Kelliher (guitarist) has been diagnosed with pancreatitis, and since a rock band is nothing without their powerful guitarist, it looks like they’re staying in the U.S. for quite some time.  

Wednesday: Hey guys — check it out. The new Arcade Fire singles. God, I’ve missed this band a lot. It’s a slightly different sound for them, and I am loving it. I think I’m partial to “Month of May”, though. We’ll see what I think after I listen to both of these tracks at least 10 times each.  

Thursday: Most of the time, I freaking love M.I.A. However, there are other times when I feel like she was the super cool, pretty girl that I was TERRIFIED of in 5th grade because she terrorized us dorky, less pretty girls. It just seems like she’s spittin’ a lot of fire lately. Her most recent attack was leveled against New York Times writer Lynn Hirschberg. Hirschberg recently wrote a less-than-glowing profile of M.I.A., and apparently, she’s having none of that. What she is having something of is tweeting Hirschberg’s phone number. Yup. Hirschberg’s voicemail is now full of messages regarding the piece. M.I.A. also stated that an unedited version of the interview will be on N.E.E.T. Recordings website this weekend.

Posted by Alyssa Vincent, Alyssa Vincent on May 28, 2010 @ 12:00 am

pitchfork, drake, m.i.a., bono, u2, the arcade fire, shrek sucks
