News for Now

The Expendables punches Eat, Pray, Love in the box office FACE, Broken Social Scene gets remixed by DJ Mom Jeans, and Erykah Badu pays to get naked.

Mere words cannot begin to convey the venomous feelings that I have toward Eat, Pray, Love. I liked the book for about a day, and then I woke up and realized that it was a terrible thing that should be burned. So, imagine how I feel about the film. YOU DO NOT DESERVE JAVIER BARDEM AS YOUR MOVIE BOYFRIEND, ELIZABETH GILBERT! While I'm no fan of aging action stars trying to prove that they can still get it up, I'm thrilled that The Expendables beat pansy-ass "self-discovery" at the box office with a haul of $35 million. Spoiler alert: I eat gelato all the time, and I still get confused about life. Once more with feeling: suck it, Gilbert!

Remember Danny Masterson? Yeah, me neither. But he was the sort of attractive guy with an afro on That '70s Show. Now he's a DJ (technically DJ Mom Jeans--what what! In da house!), and he's taken to remixing Broken Social Scene's "All to All." Check it out on Broken Social Scene's website, or at Spinner.

Finally, remember that nudie Erykah Badu video for "Window Seat"? Well, girlfriend's gettin' fined for it. Apparently, a bunch of people complained, and she was threatened with a fine of $500. She's paid up now, and also has to serve six months probation. That'll teach you to strip in the name of art and music!

Posted by Alyssa Vincent on Aug 17, 2010 @ 10:10 am

Eat, Pray, love, broken social scene, erykah badu
